Dialogue is a communication or discussion between people.

I like to communicate about and discuss prayer and Scripture.

My choice for this communication or discussion is email.

Email is convenient for all involved. One can communicate any time of day.

People pray and read Scripture. I would like to exchange ideas and thoughts about these endeavors.

I am passionate about prayer and Scripture.

Prayer and Scripture are the topics I would like to dialogue with others.

I have difficulty finding people that will discuss prayer and Scripture by email.

Below is my email address. (It is an image rather than a link so it won't be found by crawlers, robots, or spiders that harvest email addresses for spam.)

I am interested in dialoguing about such things as your concept of prayer and how it is helpful to you, how you pray, and what you like to pray about.

As to Scripture, what are your favorite passages or verses, and why do you like them, and what do they mean to you?

I invite you to dialogue via email with me about prayer and Scripture.